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What is the digital marketing?

What is the digital marketing?

Social Networks, Web Pages, Blogs, Forums, Emails, Applications, Banners... Today there are many platforms that we use daily, which is why they have become an ideal channel to sell products and/or offer the services of our businesses.

Seeing ads while we consume our favorite content has already become a habit and these are increasingly personalized according to our needs and preferences at the moment.

Digital Marketing has managed to become over the years the best strategy for customer loyalty , segmentation, measurement and optimization of results, decision making and endless other things thanks to the different tools available to achieve these goals.

What is the digital marketing?

Digital Marketing consists of all the strategies that are carried out in the different media or digital channels to achieve a commercial objective.

However, this has not always been done in the same way, but has evolved as the development of new technologies and Internet access progresses.

This evolution begins in the 90's with a web called 1.0 and ends in a current development of a web 4.0. Let's see its features:

The history and evolution of Digital Marketing based on web stages 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0

  • Web 1.0: Beginning in 1990. It consisted of unidirectional websites, with simple and static designs, where they only served to transmit and consume the content without generating interaction with the user. Therefore, it is compared to traditional marketing, where the main channels used are TV, radio or paper.
  • Web 2.0 : Beginning in 2004. This is when you begin to notice a revolution in the internet, an increase in the number of users and advances in technological development. It is at this stage that the concept of marketing 2.0 or current digital marketing, as we usually know it, also begins to appear. Here the internet begins to be a means to create a community, share information and valuable content, the exchange of videos, photos and graphics begins. This web 2.0 is bidirectional, where we all participate and collaborate to build a message from anywhere in the world through social networks, blogs, forums, applications and electronic commerce.
  • Web 3.0: Beginning in 2010. The internet has not stopped evolving since web 2.0, both for better and for worse. Due to problems with privacy and mishandling of data, changes in relation to data, blockchain technology and cryptography arise. The main objective of this website is to build a database that personalizes and improves the user experience, streamlining processes by filtering the available information. This is where the concept of keywords comes in, which is very important in digital marketing and artificial intelligence. Web 3.0 is defined as the semantic web and a more natural language is sought. A much closer example where web 3.0 is applied is Siri on Apple devices.
  • Web 4.0: Started in 2016. This website seeks a much more complex, personalized and complete interaction with the user. It focuses much more on experience and understanding their language and behavior more fluently. It is an innovation in the development of technologies, in such a way that the use of new models such as M2M (machine to machine), speech-to-text methods, wearable technology, context information and interaction is widespread. An example of the idea that you want to achieve is that you can have a much more fluid conversation with bots like Siri.

Digital Marketing today

What can be inferred from this evolution is that it starts from one-way marketing to become, years later, two-way marketing where users are the main and fundamental actor to build a community and an audience.

Digital marketing seeks to improve the Internet browsing experience through immediacy characteristics and using metric tools for better strategic business decision making.

The opinion, comments, impressions and reputation of a brand become the most important thing when it comes to selling, so now the entire strategy revolves around delivering valuable content and quality experiences to satisfy the needs of the client and/or user and get a loyalty of this with our brand.

Do you have more questions on the subject? Get in touch with us and we will be happy to help you. Leave us an email at or write us through our contact

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